Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Fix RAM Error

If the RAM you have problems thenthe computer that we use can not be operated. it makes us irritated. Steps wecan take is to go where the service (for those who do not know the computer).

Here are tips for repairing a damaged RAM, among others How to Fix RAM error:

1. Clean the memory by brushing the pins the memory with the purpose ofcleaning cloth,

2. Use Tiner little so more clean from dust, and frictionwith the cloth will also be fishing the ions at a simulated memory pin to theconductor is more active. or,

3. Use a pencil eraser to clean the pin of memory, using theeraser, the more memory the security alert.

4. Navigate to the Ohm Avometer scale (scale to measurebarriers), free to be in the position of 1K, 10K, 100K ...

5. Take the needle negative (-) Avometer (black cable) thenput on a pin / leg memory, and the needle positive (red wire) on the set offriction on the legs of the IC / chipset memory, when memory has 8 pieces of ICsuch as the needle friction (+) to the legs of 8 IC.

Done ....

Please try to plug the memory intheir slots on the mainboard ....
Actually, this is a secret computer technician, .. if everyone knows, nextcomputer repair shop on the lid.

Hopefullyuseful ...

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